Walking Stick for Self-defense
For those who walk in the dark, there are no better companions than a good stout walking cane and the knowledge of it’s proper use. What Noble would be without these friends? This presentation will be a brief introduction into the use and training of the walking cane in the Victorian era for use as…
Read MoreBasics in Yoga and Relaxation
The hustle and bustle of day-to-day living can really take its toll on the body and the mind. Yoga is a practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to improve health and well-being. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means “to join” or “to unite,” with the goal to unify…
Read MoreYou’re Cordially Gin-vited!
As cities grew and industry expanded in the Victorian Age, the newly-developed middle class began to get a taste for luxuries previously reserved for the wealthy. Among these were cordials: sweetened, distilled spirits that could be enjoyed before dinner or with dessert. Though gin was thought to have originated in the 1500’s for medicinal purposes…
Read MoreBody Positivity and Inclusivity in Steampunk
Body positivity and inclusivity in everyday life is very important. When you are at a cosplay, comic, horror, or costumed convention, awareness seems even moreso because of unacceptable behaviors that can occur. Gate keeping, body, gender and race shaming as well as other negative conduct pop ups and it is important to be aware of…
Join us for an interactive experience with fun and joy! Have tea with Asgard! We’ve finally refined her programming and memory cores enough that she remembers how to serve the perfect tea! However sometimes with achievements comes break downs! Watch Lady Wheelsworth lose her mind as she tries to keep everyone’s favorite automaton functioning while…
Delve into the worlds and concepts that blend history as you’ve never known it before. Where Brass and Mahogany meet Ingenuity and Machinery! Join Asgard and Lady Wheelsworth as they take you on a Tea-Powered Airship ride and help demystify the concept of Steampunk, so that you too can explore the History that never was.…
Read MoreOrigins of A.S.G.A.R.D.
Join A.S.G.A.R.D. and Lady Wheelsworth for an immersive tale as our favorite mechanic ponders the story of A.S.G.A.R.D.’s origins, told from the pages of the inventor’s old journal. Hold onto your hats! A.S.G.A.R.D. might try to borrow them.
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