Wooden Creatures Make and Take. $20

I will be bringing multiple wooden creatures which we will assemble and make into unique one of a kind fantasy steampunk creatures. You will be able to embellish your creatures with horns, paints, wings, and cool steampunk gears.20$ per person. I will supply everything you need to do it.

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The Best of Steampunk Anime

– Steampunk Anime predates the coining of the actual term “Steampunk” by a decade, and over the last 56 years has produced some of this retro-futuristic genre’s best films and TV series. JP Dean, of the Chicago Steampunk Exposition, presents a retrospective of Anime’s contribution to Steampunk media, and takes a closer look at a…

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Another Shirt Ruined

Amelia Peabody, the Murder Mystery Series You Should Be Reading. Elizabeth Peters was the pen name of Barbara Mertz, an author of mystery and suspense novels. More importantly she had a PhD in Egyptology and used her extensive knowledge to write the Amelia Peabody series. This series of twenty books follows the growing Peabody-Emerson family…

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