Steampunk My Ride

Steampunk my ride? Yes Please!

As Steampunk is centered around creating extraordinary works that showcase our own inner creativity, we must ask: Why settle for a simply utilitarian device when it can be spectacular? We have a trio of Guest Makers ready to take your device from drab to FAB! Three lucky individuals will be selected to have their devices steampunked at the River City Steampunk. The selected individuals will meet with the makers for one hour Friday to brainstorm and give valuable input.

Once they have finalized the plans, these talented makers will assemble a team to transform the chosen devices . Then on Sunday the magic happens and the devices will be transformed! Afterword each Steampunked ride will be showcased via a parade around the atrium so that guests can admire these fantastic creations.


James Neathery | Brett King | Jeff Church


Do you use a mobility device on a daily basis? Want us to steampunk it for free? (Doing worry, nothing will be permanent!) 

Your device will not be permanently altered. A frame will be built around/on it that is easily removed. The frame will be steampunk’d. You may keep the steampunk’d frame. Your steampunk’d frame will not hinder usability. [You will lead a parade on Sunday to show off your device!] 

Please Select a Form

If you want to participate (have the work done), please fill out the Steampunk My Ride Form.
If you want to Learn (Do the work), please select the Learn From The Masters Form.

Steampunk My Ride Form

Learn from the Masters Form