Body Positivity and Inclusivity in Steampunk
Body Positivity and Inclusivity in Steampunk
The Queen Bee with Beth GallagherMary Shelley
Body positivity and inclusivity in everyday life is very important. When you are at a cosplay, comic, horror, or costumed convention, awareness seems even moreso because of unacceptable behaviors that can occur. Gate keeping, body, gender and race shaming as well as other negative conduct pop ups and it is important to be aware of them. Learning to spot and address these issues so everyone can enjoy themselves and feel safe is paramount.
Join Lady Bedlam and The Queen Bee of Queen City Steam as we discuss body positivity and inclusivity in the Steampunk community and what it means to you. This will be a talk followed by a group discussion and question session.
Fri 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM