You’re Cordially Gin-vited!

You’re Cordially Gin-vited!

The Queen Bee with Prof. Augustus HogwoodLovecraft

As cities grew and industry expanded in the Victorian Age, the newly-developed middle class began to get a taste for luxuries previously reserved for the wealthy. Among these were cordials: sweetened, distilled spirits that could be enjoyed before dinner or with dessert.
Though gin was thought to have originated in the 1500’s for medicinal purposes and eventually fell out of favor in the mid 1700’s, there was a resurgence of gin consumption during the Victorian Era, with numerous “Gin Palaces” appearing.
Join Professor Augustus Hogwood and The Queen Bee of Queen City Steam as they give you an introduction to cordials and gins, share instructions on how to make your own and offer up samples of their homemade spirits.
Sat 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM